

Frequently Asked Questions

All information about the EMTA is located under specific tabs on this website, however we have provided some of the most commonly asked questions and answers in one place for your convenience.

  • How old do you have to be to work at the EMTA?
    • Bus operators must be at least 24 years old.
    • Other positions may hire as young as 18.
  • Can employees ride the e for free?
    • Yes, you and your family may receive fixed route bus passes for free!
  • Can I work at the EMTA if I have a medical Marijuana card?
    • No. Marijuana is not federally legalized or recognized by the FTA.
  • Is there room to grow a career at the EMTA.
    • Yes! There are many positions in addition to bus operators.
  • What would my hours be?
    • It varies based off your position and seniority. When you first start as an operator, you will likely work Saturdays.
  • How do I apply?
    • Visit https://ride-the-e.com/careers/
  • What form of payment is accepted on the bus?
    • Cash
    • Token Transit
    • EMTA does not accept card payment directly, you must use Token Transit.
  • What is Token Transit?
    • EMTA’s mobile application for digital payment of bus fare. More on Token Transit
  • How much is bus fare / transfer?
    • $1.65 / $0.45
  • what passes are sold on the bus?
    • One ride, transfers & day passes
  • Where can I buy other passes?
  • More fare information
  • How old do I have to be to be considered a senior?
    • 65
  • How can I get my Fixed Route Free Senior Pass
    • Intermodal Center, 208 East Bayfront Pkwy with proof of age
  • How can I ride the LIFT?
  • When do buses run?
    • Monday – Saturday beginning as early as 4AM into the late evening.
    • NO SERVICE on the following holidays:

      Unless the day/holiday/celebration is listed- buses will run.

      • New Year’s Day
      • Easter Sunday
      • Memorial Day
      • 4th of July
      • Labor Day
      • Thanksgiving
      • Christmas Day
  • How many bus routes are there?
    • 28
  • Do buses run on Sundays?
    • No, there are no EMTA services on Sundays at this time.
  • What is the difference between the big buses and the LIFT?
    • the big, fixed route buses are public, ride anytime along a set fixed route. LIFT buses are reserved for people with mobility issues and require an application to be accepted in order to be eligible to ride. The LIFT is a door to door, schedule in advance shared ride. The LIFT is still public transportation, but you must be eligible.
  • How do I find my bus route?
    • System Map
      • Locate where you are on the map and the destination you want to go.
      • Find the closest route that services your starting point & Locate the route that is closest to your end destination. That route may take you directly to your destination.
        • If there is not a direct route, you many need to take multiple buses. When you have to take more than one route to complete your trip that is called a transfer.
      • Once you have located the route or routes you want to take, you will want to locate the schedule.
    • Google
      • Open google maps and type in your destination
      • be sure to have your location settings on or use an accurate description of your current location
      • Select ‘Directions’
      • Choose the third option for ‘Transit’
      • This will tell you what route or routes you need to take.
      • See a full tutorial 
  • How can I get a copy of the bus schedule?
    • https://ride-the-e.com/routes-2/
    • Our offices at 127 East 14th Street or 208 East Bayfront Pkwy
    • Have it mailed to you by calling customer service at 814.459.8922
  • How do I know if my bus is late?
    • You can see your bus location in real-time on the myStop app. We always advise checking the ‘Service Alerts’ on the home creen of the myStop app to see if there are any detours effecting your routes.
    • You can also receive email alerts for the Service Alerts by following this process here. 
  • Do buses have air conditioning?
    • Yes, they are climate controlled and can be a little chilly. Please bring a light sweater or jacket to stay comfortable.
  • Are their military discounts?
    • No, there are no military discounts at this time.
  • Where can I get a Senior or Reduced Fare Pass?
    • Intermodal Center, 208 E. Bayfront Pkwy.
  • When are bike racks available?
    • Year round & are First come, first serve.
  • What items can I bring on the bus?
    • EMTA buses are mass transit, designed to move people, not things. We do not encourage large, bulky items be brought on board.
    • prohibited items
  • Can I rent a bus or trolley?
    • Buses and trolleys are not available for rent or charter. On occasion, complementary shuttles may be in operations for qualifying events.
Mobile Apps2024-06-27T19:31:04+00:00
  • How do I install the mobile apps?
    • Mystop app 
    • Bus tracking and location info 
    • Token Transit 
    • Digital bus pass purchasing and use 
  • Know the separation between the two and include links to installing them (OR link to the apps page directly)
  • What device are compatible?
    • Android & Apple Smartphones 
    • Apple: 
      • Requires IOS 12.0 or later (13.0 for token transit) 
    • Chromebooks  
    • Tablets  

Google map trip planning 

  • Creating a “how to” using google maps to plan trips and finding buses instead of using mystop 


  • If I have a disability, should I ride the LIFT or should I ride the Fixed route bus?
    • If your disability prevents you from riding the regular fixed route bus you can apply for ADA service on the LIFT. Keep in mind that if you qualify for ADA service on the regular fixed route bus it is only $.80 and $.25 for a transfer. The LIFT cost is $3.30 every time you board the bus.
  • How do I schedule a LIFT ride?
    • All LIFT riders must be accepted through the application process before scheduling a rider. 
    • In order to be covered under any type of funding, rides must be scheduled at least one day prior. The Scheduling Office is open Sunday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. On Sunday, the scheduling line is only accepting reservations for the following day. The shared ride scheduling line is 814-456-2299.
    • Upon reservation, please have the following information ready:
      • Name
      • Desired Arrival Time at Destination
      • Pick-up Address
      • Destination Address
      • Return Trip Time (if needed)
      • Assistance by Personal Care Attendant
    • Organizations, care takers, aids, etc… representing riders or the riders themselves must call to schedule trips. Email reservations will not be accepted.
  • Will my wheelchair fit on the LIFT bus?
    • The LIFT platform is 33” wide by 50” long. The bus will lift up to about 800 lbs. IF your wheelchair and passenger do not exceed these limitations, we will be able to accommodate you.
  • How do I check on the status of my ride?
    • You can contact lift dispatch at (814) 456-2299. When prompted, select option 2 and your call will be forwarded to the dispatch office. A dispatcher will ask for the client’s name in order to check the status of their ride.
  • What form of payment does the lift accept?
    • Clients are able to pay for their ride fare with cash, coins, and ADA tickets (rides scheduled under ADA only). Clients could also inquire about our diminishing balance program.
  • How do I locate or retrieve a lost item?
    • When trying to locate a lost item, you can contact the lift dispatch office at (814) 456-2299 and select option 2. Please give the dispatcher your name and a description of the item. If the item has not been located already, the dispatcher will contact your driver in order to search their vehicle.
  • Can I take a friend with me on the LIFT?
    • If you are riding under ADA funding you may take a friend with you. You must inform the reservationist when you schedule the trip that you will have a guest rider. Their fare will also be $3.30 each time they board the bus
    • If you are in need of an escort to assist you on a trip please have a physician send us an approval letter for an escort .
  • Can I bring my pet on the bus?
    • Service animals are welcome onboard the LIFT bus. Pets or emotional support animals are welcome only if they are in a carrier and the passenger can handle the carrier themselves. No additional seating space is to be used and the Aisle can not be blocked. They must be kept within your personal space. When scheduling a ride, please inform the call taker that you will be bringing a pet. Drivers are not permitted to handle the pet in any capacity.
  • Can I eat or drink on the bus?
    • No food or drinks are allowed on the lift vehicle.
  • Do I have the ability to choose which bus and/or driver picks me up?
    • Unfortunately, clients are unable to choose which bus and/or driver transports them.
  • Will the driver call when they arrive to pick me up?
    • No. Drivers are not given phone numbers for passengers, and they cannot use cell phones on the bus. If the bus is running more than 15 minutes late a dispatcher will attempt to notify the passenger, however they are busy trying to reschedule rides to get passengers picked up. Drivers can only wait 5 minutes before they move on. You may call in to check on your ride to get an approximate arrival time.
  • Can I take the LIFT to do my laundry?
    • Depending on the funding that you have you can schedule the LIFT to go anywhere in Erie County that you would normally take the fixed route bus, However you can not take up additional seating space with packages or belongings and the aisleway needs to be kept clear. Any packages or personal property brought on the LIFT needs to be secured in the vehicle. Groceries must be tied in bags and kept in your personal space.
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